
Microsoft Picture Manager is GONE...

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Microsoft Picture Manager is GONE...

Ok so I am annoyed now. I sent my laptop to be repaired and get a new hard drive because mine crashed. They installed Windows 10 Pro which I am not used to and I used to use Microsoft Picture Manager. I loved it and it was so easy to use.

Now it is gone and there is something else called Photo? I can't use it like I used Microsoft Picture Manager. Now I must be really stupid or something but I can't seem to download Microsoft Picture Manager.

Please can someone give me some advice, or a link to download it?


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Did they give you the option to update or keep your current version of Windows? Id be so mad if I went to get my hard drive fixed, and they automatically updated to Windows 10. I hate Windows 10, it's too bulky, and it clogs up too many resources. Not only that, it seems if you use Cortana, then Microsoft will know what you're searching and sell it to advertising companies.

I would try to downgrade back to the previous version of Windows you had, if you still can. If you're not able to run the picture manager, there is, and GIMP you could use, they are free photo editing software. Best of luck!

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Thanks Everett. Well they said something about installing Windows 10 and I said fine because like I had Windows 10. It just wasn't the same as this? I don't understand why it can be different. This one says Windows 10 Pro?

I am so dumb when it comes to operating systems I wasn't aware that it might be different. Oh well.

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Sorry about that Lynne. I am just like you - if I get used to something I want to keep using that and until I understand how the new thing works I am so annoyed. And in your case it is worse since you did not ask for this change. I suggest you contact the person or company who repaired it to let them know that you are not pleased with what happened, and maybe they can resolve it for you. I do not like Windows 10 that much either but the last laptop I purchased came with it and it took a while to get used to it.

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They did say something.... but I had Windows 10 and this is also Windows 10, but it says Pro. I wasn't aware there was more than 1 option for Windows 10. Oh well I'll manage to resolve this. They are really nice at the computer shop, so maybe they can help me out with this. I just don't want to take my machine in because as nice as they are they are slow as hell.

I can't sit without my laptop again, it will kill me doing it so soon again LOL

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Haven't played a lot with windows 10 to notice this. What the hell is Photo and why is Microsoft Picture Manager gone in windows 10?
I suggest you install Microsoft office picture manager - way better in my book. Use it daily for cropping and simple resizing instead of Photoshop.

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Yes I love Microsoft Office Picture Manager. I can crop in Photo but I can't see what size I am cropping too and it is not easy to use. I can't crop it really small either. I also can't figure out how to resize using it. I have been using Microsoft Office Picture Manager for years and I feel like one of my arms has been chopped off!

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I use windows 10. Photo is really quite useless if you ask me, it is kind of difficult to use. I feel that it does not really edit photos in a way that makes a material difference. If you feel that Microsoft Office Picture Manager does a better job then by all means download it as advised. I'm sure you can still find it. I would also recommend you consider using Photoshop. It is the absolute best and once you use it you will never want for anything else.

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