
Is it possible to change your classification on Seocheckout?

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Is it possible to change your classification on Seocheckout?

Your user level depends on how many sales, purchases or affiliated orders you make and this is dependent on your classification. For example, if when you join Seocheckout and you start selling services, then you will be classified as a seller. If you are classified as a seller and purchase services, they don't count towards your user level and only sales of your services count. Some people may buy and sell services or may want to switch from a seller to a buyer. My question is, is it possible to change your classification here on Seocheckout?


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I don't think user levels can work like that. If you buy more then you sell, then you will be classified as a buyer. If you sell more than you buy, you're a seller. I don't see why mixing them up should influence your user level, it would be unfair to potential buyers.

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I don't think that is the case because I buy more than I seller but I am classified as a seller and I am assuming that this is because I started selling services before I purchased services. I don't think you should mix them up but I was just wondering if it is possible to change your user classification to buyer if you have more purchases than sales.

I think this is a good idea to be able to change your user classification based on higher quantity though as this will benefit people who do both buying and selling like myself.

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I have a friend that actually managed to change the classification, I think it happened automatically. He was a buyer at first, reached level 3 and started selling but stopped buying. Eventually, his classification had switched as he started meeting all the seller requirements.

Don't know how you can switch automatically from Seller to buyer since you still meet all the requirements of a seller (which are more numerous). Maybe contact support and ask for it?

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Hey MasterA, your completed purchases - quantity (as a seller) is less than your completed purchases quantity, meaning you have made more purchases than completed sales as a seller. And theoretically that should make you a buyer as you are by volume using the site more as a buyer/purchaser than a seller of services. However, the thing that makes your account a 'seller' classification is that your 'amount sold' is more than your 'purchase amount' in terms of $$$ dollars. When your total purchase amount exceeds 'amount sold' then your account will be reclassified as 'seller'.

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And that's why I'm classified as an Affiliate then.. Because my affiliates have bought for more $$$ than I've earned from selling or spent as a buyer.. That was nice to know. Thanks for the clarification and thanks Master A for bringing up this question!

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That's good to know, thanks for the explanation Beverly. I never actually thought about this and I am glad this discussion was made since I am now aware of this. So to answer the original question, it is all a matter of the money involved, whether they were in terms of sales or purchases. Thus it is not something that can be chosen, as it is automatically established according to the activity the user engages in. It is better this way as there is no need to change to and fro. We are basically all free to do whatever we want.

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In theory, a person could be classified easily as a 'buyer' just by spending more money than they have earned on seocheckout. Though it's not so easy to be classified as a seller (if that is what you really wanted) as you would actually have to earn the sales from others, not something you can dictate - as it depends on others, while making a purchase depends on whether or not you have the funds. Again, you can dictate if you are classified as a buyer as you are the one spending the money.

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Hi MasterA thanks for your question. I think this classification set as default by system. After join on seocheckout, if you sell service more than buy, I think as default seocheckout system will classified to you as what you did best as new user. But as myself I also classified as seller like (S) but I have purchased so many services as more than some classified buyer like (B). So I think I deserve as (SB) both. I think it does not matter to me what as I classified and how I classified? But, I think System may can change as user classification both way as who has both history as buyer and seller, he will be classified as SB. And if user has all 3 qualifications, he will detect as classified (SBA). I do not know what is benefit by getting user classification such way?

Regards by Ajlancer

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Oh I wasn't aware that you are classified as one or the other. I suppose though that levels and classifications have not been a focus point of mine because I am a buyer.

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Since you're a buyer, your classification is "Buyer".

More information can be read here:
User Levels

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