
Allowed to sell Pokemon Go Coins generators?

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Allowed to sell Pokemon Go Coins generators?

The buyer would know what I'm selling is fake, but am I allowed to sell that type of stuff here?
Basically I would be programming fake generators which would look real. For example, a Pokemon Go Coins generator.



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I would check the Listing Guidelines. In particular, does that violate Pokemon Go's TOS?

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you might get in to trouble for fake generators or generators in general i agree with robertman you might want to look in to double checking the terms of service , my advice to you would be just to really make sure what your doing and getting involved in is a good thing, you do not want to go through all this trouble of setting up clients and stuff if you know creating said generators will potentially harm you or jam you up , i dont know much but my advice would just be to make sure you wont feel no heat for what your doing ,

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Hey, wait, what...?
Do you seriously mean what you've stated here?
Basically I would be programming fake generators which would look real.

So you basically mean that you're looking for an easy way to generate some money by scamming people..? -Do not cross that line.

By the way, the buyers WILL know that you are selling FAKE generators you say? -Why on earth would they buy it then? - The only answer I can come up with is that the buyers would sell these themselves, as REAL generators.. And that's just unethical.

Or perhaps I misunderstood things here?

Best Regards,

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It's called Pay Per Download, or more commonly known as PPD. Look it up.

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Well, I know what PPD is. You can't sell something on a marketplace and call it for PPD which I get the feeling you are doing (Based on the last post from you). Like I stated in my previous post, maybe I misunderstood what you wrote.. And I'm sorry if that's the case. But that was the reason for all my questions. I had to be sure but you didn't answer my question. You came towards me with an attitude instead, and that's sad.

Even so, I assume you're thinking about uploading these files, claiming them to be real, working generators to get a billion downloads.. Or am I wrong? (As that's what PPD are.)

If so, I'd still recommend NOT doing it. As it's still unethical.

Oh well, you've got some great advice and answers from both robertman11 and jkeyz2. So listen to that instead of me.

Best of luck.

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Lol I was smiling when I wrote that Allowed to sell Pokemon Go Coins generators?
No attitude
Anyway, yes it does get a billion downloads but it is also a bit hard to use. I wanted to sell it to a guy who can later make money off of it.
No hard feelings mate ;)

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Well, i take it the generators don't work because I have seen those coin generators, and it just displays fake amounts.. and you would probably have to complete some form of survey, or offer at the end to get fake coins, or whatever else there is in the generator.

How could a web server generate coins needed for an app that uses other platforms? How would you go about giving the user the coins, or virtual currency the app uses?

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Oh no, this sounds awful.

Dishonest, unethical and certainly not something I would be pleased seeing in this market place. That is besides the fact that I am sure something like this would be against the rules of this market place.

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It does not sound like a good idea to me. It seems unethical, and apart from being something that is most probably not allowed on the marketplace here, I assume it would go against the game's terms of service as well. Better play it safe and go for something else my friend. There are plenty of other services that you can offer here.

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It seems unethical, and apart from being something that is most probably not allowed on the marketplace here

I don't think the generators work, and most of the ones i have seen you need to complete a survey at the end in order to get coins. I don't believe the coins actually exist, and it's just a scam to get the user to complete a survey. However, if it actually did provide coins or other Pokemon Go currency, then it must abuse a bug in the system which could be illegal.

So im basically stating that the coin generators are probably illegal, and/or scams.

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