
Has freelancing taken up most of your day?

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Has freelancing taken up most of your day?

Being a freelancer is not as easy as one might think. Most of us work several hours to manage to do well. Others cannot afford to work just a couple of hours especially if it is their main source of income. As a freelancer, do you feel that you need to work a lot of hours to earn a decent income, and so has this led you to take up most of your day?
Do you still have enough time to relax, have fun and do your favorite hobbies? Is it possible to balance your work and family needs? Any tips?


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For me it depends on the work load. I like to work my butt off on week days, and use the weekends to relax, and recoup. I use to just constantly work for hours on end and this eventually led me to be behind on everything. I was so stressed, and literally had no time for anything. I would wake up and work and go to sleep and repeat day after day.

This eventually turned into a health hazard as it's not sustainable and this also actually landed me in the hospital. Partially because I was already sick and working all that time didn't allow my body to recover. So I learned from that mistake, and try to take it easy. I like to work mostly via the weekdays, either in the mornings, or during the afternoons.

If you want, you can always set up a time to work, say from like 6am to 2pm.. that's 8 hours, a normal working day. Or you can try to accomplish all the things you need to get done in 4 hours and use the rest of the day to be with family. One may think that the more they work the more money they will earn, however I saw that it wasn't the case.

I was constantly working, and trying to get things done within timeframes and it totally backfired on me. Not only did I have to stop working, I had to rethink everything because of my income was due to me working online, and I was out of money. This was a scary time as I didn't know where to work anymore so I had to find a 9 to 5 job and didnt want that.

I later had to move due to some issues where I was living, it's a long story, and it had nothing to do on my part. However, I recovered from all of this, and doing quite well with the schedule I currently have. Here's my schedule:

6 to 8am, I wake up, and eat breakfast
Around 10 to 12 I eat lunch
Around 5 to 7 I eat dinner
Around 11 to 1 i go to sleep.

It's never really the same, there is no set times but it seems to work for me. At this moment, I'm actually waking up later in the day due to me trying to finish a MMORPG gaming script and trying to research for a new vehicle as well. However, I'll fix my schedule in the next few days.

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I am sorry you had to go through that. Working too much is dangerous. I discovered that I got headaches more often, was very stressed out and used to shout at my family when I was too pressured with work and deadlines. So I decided to try to set a timetable and do my best to stick to it. I try to not be too hard on myself, and if I feel tired I make myself stop or take it a bit easier. I work several hours but makes sure to take breaks when I need to.

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Yes I find that too. If I get too stressed out then my family bear the brunt of that and it makes everyone unhappy...

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Yes Everett I totally agree with what you have said. Working more does not actually equal getting more work done. In fact I have often found the opposite to be true. I have worked so much that my brain just refuses to work properly and then I make mistakes and the work I do get done takes longer to do.

I also found that working like crazy, not taking a break and not taking time to relax backfires bit time.

I now work 3 - 4 hours in the morning, maybe 1-2 hours in the afternoon if I am lucky (this depends entirely on children lol) and then sometimes 1 - 3 hours in the evening.

I try to work as little as possible on weekends. If I can get away with doing no work at all this is great! I make special time to be with my family and to relax with them. This really is vital.

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Working as a freelancer definitely has its benefits, the long hours are not one of them lol Has freelancing taken up most of your day?

As a freelancer you have to see everything like you're a business owner, because you pretty much are. You are working for yourself and making a living doing so. The long hours you invest in making money to put food on the table is worth it if you don't have to answer to a boss at the end of the day. If you mess something up, it's your own fault and no one elses. You learn as you go and that's one of the best ways to become successful I think. If someone is truly dedicated to working full time as a freelancer then they will put in the time and get those commissions or sales.

When I started working online I was only dabbling because I had a full time job. I worked 40+ hours a week and after every shift I would come home and be online for a few hours learning techniques and tricks to make money online. After I left my job I bounced around a few other companies but I couldn't find a good fit with any of them. I knew that I had to work for myself because at every job I had I hated answering to people who had IQs that matched a rock lol.

I work a lot, more than 40 hours a week, and I love it. It doesn't even feel like work because I like what I do Has freelancing taken up most of your day?

I do have time to be with my family and friends because I can set my own schedule. If my little girl is with her grandparents I'll typically work during the morning until I go out to lunch with a friend. After that I'll work until my girlfriend comes home and then we'll watch a movie and have a glass of wine.

Working for yourself as a freelancer has great benefits, you just have to love what you do Has freelancing taken up most of your day?

Entrepreneurs and Freelancers are the only people who will work 60+ hours a week so that they don't have to work 40 hours for a boss Has freelancing taken up most of your day?

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Hey EliteWriter,
I usually work for about 12 hours per day. Roughly estimated.. 7 days a week. The best part of this, is that I see this as my hobby, meanwhile it is my job, so that's great. The things I get tired of, is that if I choose to take a day off, then I'll have to put in those hours the next day. That is truly troublesome but I can't do things differently right now. But I would like to take a day or two off, whenever I want, without it affecting my business as much as it does. Right now, it's impossible though, so I look forward to reach this milestone shortly.

Best Regards,

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I view this as a hobby too.. not only is it a hobby, but it's a hobby that pays the bills. I love to be paid for things I enjoy doing, as much as the other person. I truly believe freelancing, or working for yourself is the best way to go. Not only do I believe working for yourself is the best way to go, I also believe that in the future more and more people will be working remotely via their computers at their own home. Wouldn't that be cool? Think of all the new customers you can have!!

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I agree that no matter how many hours I get to work, I am not unhappy about it at all. I probably work more than 40 hours per week, but the fact that I am the boss, and that I set my own schedule is just awesome. And I love writing after all, even though sometimes there are topics which I just cannot understand and it takes me a while to research before getting to write anything - that is the only thing I do not fancy about it, but other than that it is a hobby or a passion to me.

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I think it really depends on the stage of your life and where you are with family. I work for myself, I am married and I have a 2 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. Most of my time is taken up being a mommy. It is getting easier now on me though because my son only started day care was 10 months old.

I kept him with me full time while I worked until then and it was hard. Now my kids are getting a little older and I make sure I work around their timetables.

Oh and sometimes I give my husband some attention, but to be honest he is the one that gets the least from me. It is just the way things are right now. He works during the day and when he gets home and the kids are finally in bed I go and work some more!

This will change at some stage though...

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I agree that it all depends on whether one is single or with kids who are older as these are able to allocate all of the day's time on working, and those who like us have family commitments, especially if kids are still young. It is very important to find a balance between work and family. You do not want to have regrets later on and kids grow up really quickly. At this point in life we may be able to work limited hours, but eventually this can increase as kids grow older and more independent. That's the way I like to see it.

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Oh yes, I am waiting for the day my kids are a little more independent and don't rely on me so much. I find it very tiring, especially since every waking moment that I have when they are not attached to me I squeeze some work in. It feels like I never have any time to myself because if I have no kids attached me and I am not working my hubby wants my attention.

It often feels like I just can't win, like I am pulled in all different directions. I know though that this is the best thing for my family right now and that I am giving my kids the best I can. So many parents don't have this opportunity and their kids are in full time care while they work.

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Due to the uncertainty with income with freelancing, I normally offer services that don't require a lot of my time. For example outsourcing SEO services. I am webmaster and I manage websites that require little maintenance. Therefore, I can spend time on other stuff and use these as a side project to earn extra income. It is quite hard to manage so many things at once but I am finding enough time for my hobbies and family. I earn a decent income from freelancing and websites but not enough to make a living yet. I think it works best if you freelance as a side project.

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freelance isn't as i difficult or as had a topic/concept to grasp as you might make it seem. see the key is finding or getting yourself into something that doesn't weigh you down but instead motivates you to do more as for as your business is concerned. you had to be really self motivated that is the key too all this. most people lack the motivation needed and that's where you see the longed dragged days and feeling as if your loosing a lot of your social and home life. its all about how you apply yourself long story short

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Hi EliteWriter thanks for your nice question. I have been working as full time freelancer last some of years and from the beginning of freelancing career, I have been working over 14 hours to 15 hours each days. And primarily I had worked for learning so much things regarding freelancing. And still I am working over 12 hours in a day. So, sure freelancing job taking half of day from me. But, I do not feel bore. It is pritty sure this time cut off from my family. But still I able to spend some of hours for my family which may not possible to do other ordinary job.

Regards by Ajlancer

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My freelancing is only during my spare time since I have a full time office job. And I'd say freelancing takes most of my spare time. This makes me realize that when I retire and gonfull time in freelancing the I would probably be tied up the whole day. So maybe I have to learn how to control freelancing work.

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