
Blackhat seo methods still working nowdays?

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Blackhat seo methods still working nowdays?


Are blackhat methods still working now days as search egnines becames even smarter ?


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On page black hat methods don't work and if they are used it's an extremely easy way to get your website penalized by Google, Yahoo! and Bing lol Blackhat seo methods still working nowdays?

Off page black hat methods can't hurt you too much because if they could, all your competition would be doing them for your website ;)

Everything has to be taken with a grain of salt, and the search engine know this.

There's a grey area when it comes to black hat SEO methods. Some people say it's just when someone uses methods in order to trick Google into increasing their rankings by using keyword stuffing, doorway pages/splash pages, hidden text, etc. While others say that those are black hat as well as using software to create and build backlink structures for your own rankings.

Some things are definitely black hat like keyword stuffing, hidden text and doorway pages. But the real controversy is when someone is building backlinks to their website. Some people say that building them manually is white hat, and using software is black hate. But why is that? I think it's because people who are building them manually are doing so because they can't afford the software lmao Blackhat seo methods still working nowdays? Some places where you can put a backlink should not be automated, and that's the main reason I would build them myself. But if I were to build 1,000 links in a complex structure, manually, It would take months of work and review in order to finish. Or I could build the first tier links in a week and use my software to build the rest Blackhat seo methods still working nowdays?

In my opinion, I think the obvious on page optimization techniques such as keyword stuffing, hidden text and doorway pages are black hat. I also believe that building a backlink for your own purposes is black hat. It doesn't matter if it's manually or with software, you know you're trying to trick the search engine into increasing your rankings, right? ;) Welcome to the dark side Blackhat seo methods still working nowdays?

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I would be very careful and not use any black hat methods on your website. Firstly I don't believe they work, but mainly because you are putting your website at serious risk of being penalized. And even if some black hat method you try today does actually work what will happen when Google does an update, how will your website do then? I just don't see how using black hat methods will benefit you long term.

Rather use white hat methods that yes will take a lot longer and be more work but they will keep working for you and your website will be safe. Trying to cut corners and trick Google will never work.

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Block hat seo is against the Google. it is not considering now. example using duplicate content, Hidden links, Key word stuffing e.t.c.

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Hi sanfora again thanks for your question. As per as I know black hat SEO method still working for search ranking. But, ethically it is never recommended for any website. Because, you may know black hat method not comply with search rules and that just attempt to rank your site by own way without following search engine rules. So, do not being penalized by using black hat method for any site. Though, someone wants to rank his site quickly on search engine for temporary. But for long run your site with search result must be use white hat method, which very good for any website.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Black hat SEO methods should not be used, yet there is no doubt that there are still some who use them. Some of these methods include spam comments which are intended to get free backlinks, paid links, and of course, duplicate content, article spinning, and keyword stuffing. These are all techniques that could hurt a site, and yet there are still people who risk it all and use them. I would suggest avoiding them, because if detected they may lead to penalization (that is a site's rank is lowered), or your site could even end up getting banned (that is totally removed from SERPs).

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In one sentence "No it does not work in any ways" . Black hat SEO is completely forbidden by Google.

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The on-page blackhat that I know is the keyword stuffing which was prevalent before Google had sanctioned some sites that were doing that. But I have a question regarding this black hat method of SEO. When you say keyword stuffing, is there really a rule on the exact number of keywords that you place on the tag and in the contents to be considered stuffing? I have read a lot of discussions that said yes but there was no proof of policy from Google.

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