
How To Create Your First Product

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How To Create Your First Product

If you've ever seen a product you liked or perhaps even bought, sometimes, you might even have thought for yourself.. Could I make a successful product too?

You might have tried.. And failed.. I know lots of people, who's done the same thing. I was one of them myself and I've made mistakes too..

However, due to all my research and due to the fact that my mindset are on a different level now compared to how it used to be a few years back, I launched my very first product in late 2013. I had never done it before. I had no lists, no reputation. Nothing. I just thought for myself.. Would this be possible?

Long story short..
All in all, I had more than 100 unique sales and I earned more than $3,000. This wasn't the first money I made online.. But it was a satisfying feeling. I learned that I could sell products on other platforms too. I wasn't tied to Seocheckout or any other marketplace. Not at all..

Any how, when you're having thoughts about creating a product.. Spend some time and do some research.. When you've done that.. Do some more.. And a bit more after that.

  • What are people looking for?
  • What can you give people answers for?
  • What can you teach others?
  • What can you provide?

Can these people you're targeting afford to purchase your product? Will they?

To make this easy, read some the threads within the "Main Internet Marketing Discussion Forum" in various forums. View the first 10 or 15 threads or so. Look at the titles as those most often explains what people are looking for.

Different threads, forums and different people who's asking but it's more or less the same questions.. Can you see it?

When you've found a couple of threads that are similar.. Begin the research!
Start working on finding answers for their questions..
  • google is your friend. Never underestimate google.

When you've gathered tons of answers for their questions & lots of additional information you think can be used, start writing!

Don't forget to check out "How To Create Info Products in 24 Hours", as this will allow you to produce products without doing research!

Best Regards,


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Sounds so much like my story when i first started my online business years ago. And exactly triggered by this same thought:
If you've ever seen a product you liked or perhaps even bought, sometimes, you might even have thought for yourself.. Could I make a successful product too?

Instead of writing all my "success story" here to be looking like hijacking your post i will just say, that most of us started this way. Seen some great idea and we thought, "well i can do this too" then after some time "oh i can do it even better" or "i can do same but with my own twist"...

This really should encourage many new starters! A lot of people now jump on online business and think it's making big money. NO, most of us started from nothing, worked hard days and nights for peanuts, but if you smart enough, you learning fast even from mistakes and adjusting your work as you getting more experienced, adjusting your prices, building your trust or personal brand...

There is no easy starts, but for motivated people there is no limit too. So good luck to everyone who becomes new online entrepreneur How To Create Your First Product

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Hey anwebservices!
Please do share your success story, I don't mind at all. Even though it might be a "hijack" of this FAQ I still wouldn't mind at all, since it will most likely bring even more value into this thread How To Create Your First Product

And yes, I do agree with you that most of us started this way. However, there's still a bunch of people out there who doesn't know where to start.. They don't see things in the same perspective as we do. Many of these people fails long before they even start, just because of their own mindset. They see a product and thinks "Wow, that's great", and without any further reaction at all. Meanwhile we, other people, we see the same product and instantly starts having these thoughts like: "wonder if I can do this better?".

Best Regards,

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