
Do you believe in Human Evolution?

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Do you believe in Human Evolution?

... if so, do you think it should be taught in public schools?


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It's already been proved that human has indeed evolved.

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Despite the tremendous amount of evidence from the fossil record, and other fields of science, some still question its validity. Many politicians and religious leaders denounce the theory, invoking a higher being as a designer to explain the complex world of living things, especially humans. School boards debate whether the theory of evolution should be taught alongside other ideas, such as intelligent design or creationism.

I don't want to make this great topic into a religion war, but the fact is that science has proofs and religion is only full with doubts. If any physic class would teach their students more about cosmology, they would know that human life is nothing compared to how great the universe is. And as scientists have already proved that big bang had really happened, I think there's nothing wrong with the theory of evolution.
I don't know how biology is taught in other countries but my teacher of biology would constantly bring theories about evolution (even though I did not pay much attention) and your question whether it should be taught in school or not, I can't say exactly. As you said it has not been compeltely proved that we have actually evolved, so no one can give exact answer.
And sorry for my english

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Man's evolution is evident in the features. With the intermarriage of different tribes in the olden times and the interracial marriages now, we can see the evolution in terms of color and height. If we would take a century for analysis then it will show the changes not only in the physical features but also with the mental. Man is getting smarter.

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