
Do you like to play Badminton?

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Do you like to play Badminton?

I ask this question because I just recently found out that one of my friends used to be a badminton coach when he was younger and before I meet him. Do you like to play Badminton? I played it a couple of times in school, but that's about all. Do you like to play Badminton? What about you?


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I used to be in a badminton club years ago. It was fun, but I'm not really much into sports.

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I'm sure I must have played it once as a child, but I can't even remember what that sport involves at the moment. Do you like to play Badminton?

Mostly though we played dodgeball. That game was fun/horrible. Do you like to play Badminton?

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Sure,I used to play it in my teen days at high school though I had loved soccer more but I did once in a while.

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I do not honestly think that I have ever played badminton.

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I love playing Badminton. It's fun, and I get right into it. The trick is trying to teach my son... That's the challenging

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I have never played it before and doubt that I would be very good at it.

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I have never played it either. Is it much like table tennis?

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Yes i love to play badminton.

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Used to play it as a kid with family, but not anymore, did play it with a friend on his b-day party but we both pretty drunk and i'll just say it's a good thing the shuttlecock has a rubber cap as it landed on a lot of cars etc. Do you like to play Badminton?

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Truthfully I have never played it at all. Would not even know how to play.

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I love to play Badminton, I used to play in my childhood with hours. I was a small kid, but I was the best on playing badminton. Is a shame that my parents didn't raise my talent with a course or something!
Maybe now I would be somewhere else if I kept playing badminton!

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I love to play badminton and it is my favorite sports or hobby. My daughter and I we use to play badminton every weekend. We enjoy it a lot and it also our bonding and exercise. Playing badminton builds and tones the quads, glutes calves and hamstrings. In addition, your core muscles, arm and back muscles get a workout as well. Badminton promotes physical fitness; it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. The fast-paced nature of the game increases your speed and improves your reflexes.

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I don't like playing Badminton and it is not a result of the hate for the game. It is simply that I don't fancy playing those type of games for now.

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Badminton was a craze here some years ago. Some of my friends picked up the sport and they go to a covered badminton court that charges them a per hour rate. It’s not really expensive and I understand that they enjoy not exactly the game but the camaraderie with their friends in the badminton court. However, I don’t think I will enjoy the game because I am not that athletic anymore ever since a bulge had appeared on my right leg whenever I would engage in a strenuous activity.

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