
Is it possible to start over with an email address?

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Is it possible to start over with an email address?

Is there a way to permanently opt out of every email from every email address ever sent to you? And, just start over from scratch as if you have a new email address. The reason i want to know is that I signed up with a lot of free offers and sites for awhile and now I get about 1000 spam emails monthly on that email and it's hard to sort through them all clicking the spam button. I just want to go back and get a redo.


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I don't know but I really like this option and if it's available, then I want it too as my gmail address is just junked up from over the years. I lived in my Gmail box for a long time, now I rarely go there. Gmail is really good but all that spam, it's depressing to deal with.

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I've had to abandon ship a couple of
There's one email I have that is VERY BAD for spam, so I pretty well just keep it so I can sign up to spammy contests and such. There's no reason why you can't create another and start over. Just remember every place that's important so you can notify them of the change of email, then you'll be able to start over.

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