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Is it just me?

Just recently, I noticed how some very familiar sites and forums are looking different. For instance, the other day I went to a very famous webmaster forum that has a yellowish background and now the background is white. This has happened with more than one forum I've visited, where the background shows as all white and nothing but the header is color for the site. No CSS details. And, I'm worried that my computer is not showing the real look of a website. I had a similar issue with Youtube the other day, where the CSS was not showing up, so the links and videos stacked to the left side of the screen.

I am not sure if this is just my computer or what to do about it.


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Hi Beverly,

If styling isn't looking right the first thing I usually try will be clearing my browser cache, this will usually fix any issues I face that are similar. On Chrome this can be through Settings > Tools > Clear browsing data. If this does not work make sure that you do not have any plugins/add-ons running that could be effecting this.

Hopefully that would help.


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Have you checked your internet connection as you might not be connected to the internet.

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Try using different browser, if this was your browser fault, try reinstalling it or clear your browsing data Is it just me?

- Sunil Bishnoi

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I have not noticed this on any of the sites that I am a member of. I do hope that you get this figured out.

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I have not noticed this on any of the sites that I am a member of. I do hope that you get this figured out.

I made some adjustments to my browser and cleared cache and used the other suggestions and things are looking much better now. Also, I adjusted my graphics settings on my screen and things look great now.

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I made some adjustments to my browser and cleared cache and used the other suggestions and things are looking much better now. Also, I adjusted my graphics settings on my screen and things look great now.

Glad that you got this issue fixed. It is aggravating when things do not look right.

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Glad that you got this issue fixed. It is aggravating when things do not look right.

And, it was hurting my eyes to view the screen with the faded or washed out resolution. Now things are much better and I'm back to work.

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Could be the theme of the forum you are visiting has changed. Check the forum options to see if you can impose a secondary theme on the site as this option is available on some forums for members who want to select their own site theme.

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