
Are Computer/Laptop USB Conections The Same No Matter The Country?

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Are Computer/Laptop USB Conections The Same No Matter The Country?

Is the connection / port for USB the same no matter what country the computer or laptop was sold / made in?


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I swapped USB thumbs with a French and a German computer before and they worked fine. Based on that, I'd say USB is a standard across countries.

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Cool, cool. I thought that too, but i bought a 10 port USB hub the other day and it said "UK Cable", that was fine as im in the UK, but it got me thinking, are they different USB cables / connections for different countries. Are Computer/Laptop USB Conections The Same No Matter The Country?

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That's odd. No idea then.

What part of the UK?

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I live in Glasgow, Scotland. Are Computer/Laptop USB Conections The Same No Matter The Country? The item i bought (the USB Hub) came from England Are Computer/Laptop USB Conections The Same No Matter The Country?

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USB is standard globally . Nowadays, it is just a matter of device compatibility with latest USB technology.

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