
Sub-domain banned. Can it affect the TLD?

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Sub-domain banned. Can it affect the TLD?

Can a banned or penalized sub-domain affect the top-level domain name?


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No, your main domain won't be penalized.... as sub domain is treated separately.

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Nope. But it might effect your overall traffic or pr. Traffic because you might have build backlink for your subdomain and now as your subdomain is banned, you will not get visitors to your site. Pr because homepage pr is weighted average of all the internal prs.

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Tommy Matalino
Nope. But it might effect your overall traffic or pr. Traffic because you might have build backlink for your subdomain and now as your subdomain is banned, you will not get visitors to your site. Pr because homepage pr is weighted average of all the internal prs.

I know traffic could be affected. But how come PR is also affected?

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It is because pr for actual domain is weighted average of all the webpages/subdomains of a site. So, if your subdomain was the reason for good/bad pr then it will be effected too !

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Can a banned or penalized sub-domain affect the top-level domain name?

Just think about this idea. Let's say that a blog (on a subdomain) on gets banned from Google. Would blogger suffer in search engine rankings? Probably not. I'm guessing the same would be true with a blog/site that is located on a subdomain of another TLD too.

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Just think about this idea. Let's say that a blog (on a subdomain) on gets banned from Google. Would blogger suffer in search engine rankings? Probably not. I'm guessing the same would be true with a blog/site that is located on a subdomain of another TLD too.

blogger is completely different ! It is because blogger has more than million blogs in it. So, if one blog is banned it doesn't effect blogger. But number of subdomains a site can have will be limited. So, it will definitely effect your overall traffic and ranking.

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There's no way that Google sees a subdomain the same as a TLD so if a subdomain was banned, it would not affect the TLD. The two sites are considered separately for practical reasons. For one thing, some sites keep their forum or blog on a sub domain with the main product or shopping site on the top level domain (such as the .com version versus the

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