
Google Plus vs Facebook

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Google Plus vs Facebook

Which are best for traffic???


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I think Google plus is a good platform to increase traffic on a website.

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I think it depends on where you are in there that people use social networks
I was in viet nam, social network users is fb so traffic on my site mainly fb, you should learn in your country people use social networks to have a reasonable plan

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It depends on the people you are targeting. Google is more on the business people and entrepreneur. You get a lot of engagement on Google Plus than Facebook. You can share it to specific communities with the same interest as yours and start building engagement there. Make use not just Facebook or Google Plus. There's Twitter, also Pinterest where you can get organic traffic.

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Facebook, once the darling of the social media world, is starting to lose its sheen. With the new restrictions on what people can see, privacy issues, increasing advertising, promoted posts and less relevant content in news feeds, many people are starting to look for alternatives.
Fortunately, there’s an interactive, well supported, rapidly growing, easy to use social network that’s ready for you right now, Google Plus. In this article, we’ll explore some of the similarities, and differences between the two networks, answer some of your questions and let you know how to make the switch.

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Facebook is very user friendly and have the features with normal life useable words (like, share, comment, events)
but Facebook traffic depends on targeting people. (geographically).
but Gooleplus can be used to get rank on google and best for google seo.

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Google Plus and facebook both are highly engaged social medias platform.
your question is which one best for website or, blog traffics? Right....
If you need website or, blog traffic then why you are not using both Social sites. both are highly engaged social networks and you can achieve best result with both.

If you go with my personal opinion you can also try different social media's and forums etc. for your web traffics Google Plus vs Facebook

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Both are best

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Both of them are good... As long as you don't spam. You can get thousands of +1s on your link if you post something interesting... But not a lot of people would click... For direct links Facebook works much better for me ;)

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Both are best, but I think Google plus is best.

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Get traffic from social networking website is really good. Not just google + and facebook is good but twitter and pinterest are also best to receive traffic.

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For me Facebook is better than google +

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If your purpose is to have a network of professionals then Google+ is recommended because it is more serious than Facebook which is universal in its theme. However, if marketing is your purpose then with the more than 2 billion Facebook users, it is the greenest pasture in the internet. Just be sure to have a dynamic account with a good exposure to your connections so that your posts will be recognized and responded to positively. Posting regularly of interesting and relevant items will make you popular among your Facebook friends.

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