
Should i make an Instagram for my Xbox Forum?

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Should i make an Instagram for my Xbox Forum?

So my Xbox Forum currently has a Facebook Page, Twitter Profile, Google +1 Page and YouTube Channel. Should I make an Instagram account up for it? What sort of things can I do on Instagram? I haven't ever had one before or even used it. Would you say it is worth while me create and managing for my Xbox Forum? Is there like followers, etc.. on Instagram that I can build up and promote to like on FB, Twitter, etc.. ?


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I wouldn't, to be honest with you. I just don't see the point of having an Instagram account for something like an Xbox forum because there just isn't enough to post about. Instagram is good for businesses such as a web designer where you can post some examples of your work. There just isn't enough visual things to post about as a Xbox forum on Instagram. The best thing is to focus on your current social networks.

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