
You Tube Views!

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You Tube Views!

Does anyone use any sellers for You Tube views?
I need 5000 views per video delivered within 5 days for $4.00.
MUST be Human views, adsense safe and within 5 days, never late.

I have honestly tried at least 10 different people ALL have let me down.

This causes me massive problems.

Any takers?



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Usual price on the market is 5$+ for 5000 HR views, if you get quality HR views for 2$, you are the winner. I usually pay up to 10$ for 5k HR views, that's the price for quality stuff.

Personally I would love to buy a Nissan GT-R for 6000$, but I wouldn't even ask for it. You Tube Views!

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I haven't tried any but I have found these ones have good reviews and are within your budget:

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The last one is the worst seller on Seocheckout.

Thanks anyway

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I think you should have better budget for this usually even the website views cost 1-2$ per 5000 views. then I hope you would try for 4-5$. some sellers sell 500views for 1$

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