
What are some unwritten rules about using Youtube?

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What are some unwritten rules about using Youtube?

\Every site has their own set of unwritten rules or ways you should act when you are on the site. These informal rules are usually imposed by other site members, rather than formalized in a TOS. What are some of the unwritten rules of Youtube for both subscribers or viewers and also Youtube Channel owners; such as things they should or should not do?


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Don't spam comments or links! If you are commenting on someone else's video, then do so with a pure heart and not for the sole purpose of spamming an affiliate link to your own site. That might or might not be in their official rules but it should be.

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Remember that you are in a public place and conduct yourself as if the world is watching, because they are! Even if you are having a bad day, don't make a video about your gripe, don't post comments about it or speak to anyone about it. Anything you say or do on a site like Youtube can easily go viral and then the world will know.

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Just be nice. There are some people who think they are shielded by the anonymity of being online. They don't realize that your IP address can and will be tracked, so if you troll or harass others, that can be reported to your ISP and you might end up offline.

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