
Reporting a post

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Reporting a post

If you report a post on fb, can the person who posted it tell who reported it?


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Here's what Facebook says about the situation of reporting.

Don't worry, your report is anonymous. When something gets reported to Facebook, we'll review it and remove anything that violates our Community Standards. We don't include any information about the person who filed the report when we reach out to the person responsible.

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I did not think that you could and am glad to know that they keep it anonymous.

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no there is not a way to tell of who has reported it.

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It is 100% confidential.

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Trust me no one can tell if you reported something or not. They will only find out if you tell them.

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Facebook will maintain your confidentiality if you decide to report a post. This encourages others to report bad behavior on the site without fear of retribution.

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If Facebook allowed others to know who had reported them, it could result in a dangerous or violent stalking type situation and maybe for that reason Facebook keeps this information private.

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If Facebook allowed others to know who had reported them, it could result in a dangerous or violent stalking type situation and maybe for that reason Facebook keeps this information private.

On social networks people can get very vindictive, so good to know the name of the person who reported is confidential. I've never reported a page but if I found a page that had something harmful on it, I would have no problem reporting it.

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I haven't reported any Facebook updates or pages, so I'm not sure what their policy would be about maintaining anonymity. Though I would hope they don't reveal names or details of the person reporting.

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