
Can you change privacy settings for your Facebook fan page?

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Can you change privacy settings for your Facebook fan page?

Are all posts on a Facebook fan page public by default? And, can you customize, so that only certain groups/lists see, the same as you can with your own Facebook wall posts.


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Are all posts on a Facebook fan page public by default? And, can you customize, so that only certain groups/lists see, the same as you can with your own Facebook wall posts.

Yes it can be customized easily from account settings and privacy settings. Just try this.

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Facebook provides many post privacy options. You can easily customize privacy to exclude certain 'friends' from seeing a specific post. Or, simply allow only certain people from a list or group to see the post or exclude those people from seeing.

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You should be able to change the privacy on previous posts now, inline on your Facebook timeline. That was not the situation before. Once you posted, it was up for good. Or, you had to delete the post

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You should be able to change the privacy on previous posts now, inline on your Facebook timeline. That was not the situation before. Once you posted, it was up for good. Or, you had to delete the post

That's good to know as sometimes you will realize later that a certain post was made public by mistake and should be restricted to just friends only.

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Doing it through account settings is the best way to go. You need to protect your fan page for such reasons and it will help you to be in control of the activities that happen on the page on a daily basis as well.

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