
what is 301, 302 redirection in seo?

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what is 301, 302 redirection in seo?

301 - This and all future requests should be directed to the given URI.

302 - This is an example of industry practice contradicting the standard. The HTTP/1.0 specification (RFC 1945) required the client to perform a temporary redirect (the original describing phrase was "Moved Temporarily"),but popular browsers implemented 302 with the functionality of a 303 See Other.


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A 301 redirect means that the page has moved to a new location, permanently. A 302 redirect means that the move is temporary.

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A 301 redirect, or also known as a permanent redirect, should be put in place to permanently redirect a page. The word ‘permanent’ is there to imply that ALL qualities of the redirected page will be passed on to the detour page.

That includes:

Page Authority
Traffic Value

302 Redirect

A 302 redirect, or also known as a temporary redirect, should be put in place if you want to redirect your site visitors into another webpage but you plan to bring the redirected page back after some time. Knowing this, the 302 redirect will not pass on all qualities of the redirected page to the detour page.

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Those redirections can also ruin your website if the websites are already blacklisted and banned by Google! ;)

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301 is permanent redirect while 302 is not

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A 301 is a redirect that carries and distributes in an absolute manner. You should use a 301 to signify to the crawlers that your content has moved permanently – as in forever.
A 302 takes the user to an appropriate location for you so that you aren’t showing them a broken link, a 404 page not found, or an error page.

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301 define the permanent redirection of the pages whereas 302 defines as temporarily.

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