
Bookmark spam

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Bookmark spam

Will Google penalize you if you get many backlinks from those bookmark sites? Is that considered to be spam?


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Some sites have value for bookmarking and others don't. I'm sure there will be sites that have high page rank that are worth getting links on.

These are the sites that you should try to get links on. The others are worth avoiding.

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Reddit is considered a bookmark site. And, you won't get penalized for linking from Reddit. At least, I have not so far. Though there are strict rules about being on Reddit.

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Reddit is considered a bookmark site. And, you won't get penalized for linking from Reddit. At least, I have not so far. Though there are strict rules about being on Reddit.

I like the conversations they have going on at Reddit. The discussions there are very vibrant. Lots of opinionated people. Bookmark spam

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Nice Topic, Personally i also want to know about that.

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Don't risk your high page rank by bookmarking on these junk websites. You will lose so much more if Google finds out that you are spamming and penalizes your site.

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I like the conversations they have going on at Reddit. The discussions there are very vibrant. Lots of opinionated people. Bookmark spam

Yes, but it's almost impossible to get a good backlink from Reddit... You should have a very good and strong account first! ;)

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When you say many backlinks do you mean a hundred or a thousand or more? To me, a hundred backlinks will do your site harm so you need to be prudent .By the way, we are talking of a backlink that is posted on 1 site. You don’t need to post many backlinks on 1 site because that is clearly spamming. And with the many sites that you posted your backlinks, I think the more you posted, the merrier it will be for the traffic to your site.

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