
Reverse SEO

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Reverse SEO

What is Reverse SEO?


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Reverse SEO is a technique often used by companies when they have bad press or negative publicity reports pop up about them. They try to own the top ten search results for those same keywords (assuming they can't get the defamatory link taken out of search results). And, that usually buries the bad press.

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What I understand in your explanation is that some sites with bad press releases would do an SEO campaign to fill the first part of the search list with the new web pages so that the web page with the bad press release would be relegated down below the search list. I thought all along that a negative SEO is something that is more offensive than the black hat that it can cause the site to get a lower ranking in the search list.

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Tommy Matalino
But can't they just put the rank of their sites on the top spot without doing any reverse SEO?

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They would need to rank for the same keywords as the negative publicity to drown it out. However, it might be more easy to publish anti-defamation campaigns to Web 2.0 sites (squidoo, news release, etc) as these are usually highly trafficked and more easily ranked in Google anyway. Just ten of these sites, ranking high for the same keyword would easily push negative links to the bottom of the page.

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Tommy Matalino
So this means you do SEO on other sites, article/press release sites for instance, to push them down? Is my understanding correct?

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So this means you do SEO on other sites, article/press release sites for instance, to push them down? Is my understanding correct?

You can only push your own pages up so they outrank other negative pages. That's the best strategy, not sabotaging another person's page, which doesn't really work anyway.

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Reverse SEO is procedure to take out the websites to first pages of Google.Reverse is process for back links or bad back links coming from bad website are remove to have some positive impact on ranking.

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Reverse seo is doing the exact opposite of what we teach on this site to a site other than your own to hurt their rankings and reputation. More importantly, it is a bad practice that will backfire on you in the long run because Google is getting smarter all the time and will recognize that you have done this and will flag you and your site's making it virtually impossible for you to ever rank well.

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Reverse SEO is mostly used for reputation management. When you have bad reviews that ranks higher than your keyword. It is a way of decresing or de-ranking a websites that contain bad reviews.

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Pardon me if I am wrong on my understanding about reverse SEO. When we say SEO then we mean to work on our website to make it optimized for the search engines. The reverse to that is doing something that will do the reverse of being optimized. In other words, instead of getting a good ranking in the search result with the SEO, the reverse SEO will pull down the ranking of your website in the search result.

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