
What is the role of URL in SEO?

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What is the role of URL in SEO?

Does URL play a vital role in indexing with specific keyword? Is it necessary to have keyword in the URL in order to get indexed quickly and at good positions?


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There was a time when keywords in the domain was very important and "exact match domains" (EMD's) were very popular, but then Google started penalizing them last year and now they aren't so important.

It doesn't hurt to have a keyword in a domain, but don't overdo it. It's the "ON-page" content that matters more than the domain now and you could have a site called "" SEO'd for leather handbags, if you wanted need for the keywords to be in the url at all.

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Url holds a key value in ranking of a website. I would like to share few points regarding it.

1.It is good to include brand names and important keywords in url.
2. Use hyphens to separate keywords.
3. Urls are case sensitive.

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Url is one of the key to good rankings. One's brand name can get famous only if he has included it in his website's url. Moreover, the text in url is counted as keywords and they get ranked higher in google also.

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Simple First you should ranked your site with your main url then concentrate on the main keyword
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Earlier it was super effective but now it is not that effective ..Yes it is still having some benefit for sure if you include something about your main keyword in domain but i will not prefer the same name as your keywords as then search engine have specific eye on your website because they feel that might do some spam to get that ranking easily so they can penalise you as well..

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URL should be Unique:
- Don't use underscore
- Try to use always small latter
- must be short length

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EMD's are not valued like they once were, however an EMD with a solid linking strategy is most effective. For instance an EMD that has the same quality of backlinks and on-site SEO as a site without any keywords in the dmain name, will rank better.

On the other hand, EMD's are kinda of like domains on parole. Google is watching you -_- lol So if you choose to use an EMD, I recommend going grey hat on their arses. Make sure all of the links pointing directly to your site are manual and high quality. That way if a link on your 2nd and 3rd tier fail you can easily remove a web 2.0 or whatever.

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Thank you for the information that is posted above. I have some added knowledge again. I was actually at a loss on what URL and SEO connection is all about. But now it is clear that I don’t have to bother with this issue. I have encountered EMD or exact match domain in another discussion and I’m glad that it is explained here.

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