
A simple tip to get more traffic from Google

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A simple tip to get more traffic from Google

Having your authorship information displayed next to your links in Google is good because it establishes your credibility as an expert in the niche. And, it makes your links stand apart from the many others on the page.

As you can see in this example of a live search result, the author's information includes a personal photo, full name and link to all the other articles he's written.

This one simple link 'more' link could easily translate into much more traffic.

A simple tip to get more traffic from Google

And, Google will include your authorship information automatically for you if you simply complete the following process.

  1. Create a Google + profile with very good recognizable headshot
  2. Verify authorship of the articles by linking it to your Google + profile using an established Google email


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Any stats on how much more traffic it translates into?

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Tommy Matalino
Can I use image other than my picture? For example, the site's logo and the like.

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Can I use image other than my picture? For example, the site's logo and the like.

I think it has to be a person's photo. Though really how would they know the difference if you put your photo there or your best friend's photo in the same place. I'm not suggesting that you use a recognizable celebrity photo, but if it makes you uncomfortable to have your personal photo there, you could do a search on Google images and find an photo of a regular (not celebrity) person and use that.

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This is very interesting to me because I know that a profile photo is not necessarily the real photo of the author. But whatever photo was included will appear in the search list. I like that option because it will really boost your brand and authority especially if you have lots of articles that are informative and interesting to the general public. That means I have to create my profile in Google? And I guess that photo only works in the search list of Google.

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Tommy Matalino
I think it has to be a person's photo.

I don't know, but I'm not comfortable in posting my pic there publicly.

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I don't know, but I'm not comfortable in posting my pic there publicly.

Like i was saying, i don't think Google would know if you used someone else's photo just that it has to be a real person.

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Tommy Matalino
Like i was saying, i don't think Google would know if you used someone else's photo just that it has to be a real person.

But what if that other person found out his photo is being used by someone? Wouldn't that put me into big trouble?

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If it's an obscure photo, not a celebrity, there's probably little chance that you will be found out. I've heard of people using others photo (as an avatar) even on Facebook.

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Tommy Matalino
If it's an obscure photo, not a celebrity, there's probably little chance that you will be found out. I've heard of people using others photo (as an avatar) even on Facebook.

Facebook photo is a different thing.
So what if I use a different photo on this authorship, then I got caught. What will be the consequences?

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I seen a lot of that and i always ignore it i never thought that it helps the the SEO to google search engine.

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Facebook photo is a different thing.
So what if I use a different photo on this authorship, then I got caught. What will be the consequences?

Use your best discretion as to what photo you use. If you would rather not use any photo, then don't do so. It's up to you.

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Social network is the best way to get traffic.. I am using facebook, Google+, twitter, and Digg...

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for increasing the traffic from the google you should make the changes like maintain the useful content which used by the traffic and it should attractive to the traffic and you need to do directory submissions, press release, social book marking. so that you can increase your traffic. for further details visit this may useful for you

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Tommy Matalino
I seen a lot of that and i always ignore it i never thought that it helps the the SEO to google search engine.

Well, it only shows your picture on search engines. But without any other SEO work on your site, your page will still end up below the rankings...

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It takes a few extra seconds to add tags to each of your blog posts, but it's worth the time in terms of the additional traffic tags can drive to your blog. Tags (like links) are easily noticed by search engines like Google. They're also key to helping readers find your blog when they perform searches on popular blog search engines like Google.

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Tommy Matalino
It takes a few extra seconds to add tags to each of your blog posts, but it's worth the time in terms of the additional traffic tags can drive to your blog. Tags (like links) are easily noticed by search engines like Google. They're also key to helping readers find your blog when they perform searches on popular blog search engines like Google.

Well, when you add links or format your text, you are adding HTML tags, right?
What kind of tags are you talking about? Meta tags?

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It takes a few extra seconds to add tags to each of your blog posts, but it's worth the time in terms of the additional traffic tags can drive to your blog. Tags (like links) are easily noticed by search engines like Google. They're also key to helping readers find your blog when they perform searches on popular blog search engines like Google.

You mean like the tags you use on a blogger post? Yeah, those are really good to add to a blog post and really help your posts pop up fast in search engines. Though really, you need to keep them relevant to the post.

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Tommy Matalino
You mean like the tags you use on a blogger post? Yeah, those are really good to add to a blog post and really help your posts pop up fast in search engines. Though really, you need to keep them relevant to the post.

On Blogger, I use those as Categories rather than how tags work on Wordpress blogs. It could make your posts easier to be found.

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This is a neat trick to emphasize your name on your articles. And I think that having your name as the author of any of your articles will give a better impression like as you said regarding authority on the niche. However, that means we have to create a Google+ account, right? I have to be honest that I don’t have a Google+ account yet because I am afraid that it will just stagnate. Maybe when I go full time with my freelancing, that’s the time to create an account in Google+.

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