
Is there any way to get our site in top in google ?

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Is there any way to get our site in top in google ?

Hello all is there any way to get our website in top in google besides manual process.


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There are many automated ways to backlink to your website using software, though many times the results are inferior. Most times, you will be using spun content for spam comments, which comes across as fake. Those type of automated comments are easily flagged by site owners.

Some people claim that it's possible to get thousands of high quality backlinks automatically, but I still haven't seen proof of it. Though I'm sure there will be some with success stories for making that happen.

You should really consider just getting high quality backlinks as a few very good backlinks outweight a thousand very low quality/spam type backlinks.

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Really help full information Beverly thank you for your reply.

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Get backlinks from high pr websites and your website will rank high in all search engines.

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Make your content fresh and unique and then do on page and off page properly. This can help you to get your site in top in Google.

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yes it's better to Get 10 Quality Back links rather then uses 1000 Spammy back links via automated SEO tools. and make you content fresh unique for the each pages, and Google Gives the priority of each pages different rather it's home page or subpages every pages has own different values.

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Build a unique backlink from high page rank site. Place a unique content in the website to rank faster in the search engine.

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There are so many ways to increase ranking on Google. Link building is the one of the most effective way for getting ranking on Google.

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No anyone know the method
trial and error

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Yes manually possible but it will take some time you have to do it from scratch

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Doing SEO methods can definitely increase the ranking of your website in the search engine list particularly with Google. However, there is no guarantee that your website can occupy the top spot in the ranking. My suggestion is to focus on the contents of your website, use keywords or tags when you upload new contents. Always promote your website in any venue that you can find in the internet like bookmarking sites, forums, blogs, and social media. When you work relentlessly on the marketing of your website, you have a good chance for your website to land on top of the search list.

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