
Get your local weather from Google

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Get your local weather from Google

Whenever I want my local weather, I just enter, "what is the temp" on Google search and it always shows the local temperature for my area.


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This past few months was bitter cold in our area. And, I used this feature of Google a lot, especially when I didn't want to access the online weatherchannel site.

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You can also check to check you weather. Its more accurate than some other sites. I usually use accuweather to check my weather and the temperature. Hope i helped
- Bajra Team

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You can also check to check you weather. Its more accurate than some other sites. I usually use accuweather to check my weather and the temperature. Hope i helped
- Bajra Team

They can also predict things such as when spring is on the way which is important to know if you have allergies so you can start your medications before the season hits.

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