
For all the bad things Google does...

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For all the bad things Google does...

Google will always be the target of government and big business. And, most likely they deserve the legal scrutiny. But, for all the bad things they do, Google opens up learning opportunities by thoroughly indexing all the known knowledge of humanity.


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Google is heavily involved in many humanitarian projects around the globe, providing funding for projects as needed. Another thing, Google is heavily involved in the fight to provide free search engine access to countries where free speech is limited.

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Hi Beverly,
I didn't know that, so does Google act in countries like China or Burma for example?

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Hi Beverly,
I didn't know that, so does Google act in countries like China or Burma for example?

The problem with repressive government regimes with questionable human rights abuses, re China, Burma Iran etc is those Governments control public information flow (Propaganda) so they hate unregulated information sources such as Google and other search engines.

To Googles shame they previously provided information on Chinese human right individuals to the Chinese Communist regime who subsequently arrested and imprisoned many, Google subsequently changed tack and moved (because of Chinese government pressure) out of mainland China to Hong Kong.

So Google are not squeaky clean and could have blood on their hands because of their complicity.

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I guess I never knew that google did some bad things. Good thing that they make up for it in other aspects.

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Google like any large corporation will try an bury the bad news.

You are correct though they do have a positive overall effect.

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I have read that Google is spending money for some charitable activities. Besides, they also put in a lot of money in research and development that is outside the digital technology. I am eagerly awaiting the success of the Google Car because it is a gift to mankind. Imagine if you can buy a car that doesn’t need a driver? That will be a big benefit for the seniors.

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