
How do I keep OpenOffice from capitilizing every beginning word?

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How do I keep OpenOffice from capitilizing every beginning word?

Sometimes, I make notes to myself on my OpenOffice document. And, I have a pet peeve about wanting the notes to be all lower case, as they are not proper sentences. But, OpenOffice capitilizes every sentence, even incomplete ones. Is there a setting to turn off this auto correct, capitalization feature?


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There might be a setting in your Open Office menu that allows you to turn off the capitalization feature.

You might consider using the unordered list feature to list your ideas. Though I'm not sure if this will capitalize the first word.

For example:

  • idea one
  • idea two
  • idea three

This feature is available on Open Office and most Word processing software.

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Typically, most people would appreciate the auto correct feature of Open Office that allows it to capitalize your words in the right place. Why turn it off?

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I like the feature. It can be a pain I am sure if you don't want it capitalized but it is also a saver for when you mean to capitalize it and make a typo.

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