
How long from idea to completed article or story?

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How long from idea to completed article or story?

How long does it take you to go from an idea to a completed article or story? For instance, how many days or hours does it take to write a story? How about articles?


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I've written Hubpages in about an hour, but that doesn't include research time. Mostly, after publishing, I go back and tweak constantly, so the writing process is never really over.

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The articles or stories that I write for my clients can take me from a couple of hours to a couple of days.
Now my own stories, are indeed a different story all together. I have one I've been working on, on and off for the past year or so, and it's about 27 pgs long (Microsoft Word). I add on to it when I get the urge. It's been a while How long from idea to completed article or story?

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This depends on what kind of article or story I am writing. If it is a fictional story, I can churn a 5000 word story in 3 days. If it is an informative article, I need to do a lot of research and it takes more than 5 days to write a 500o word article. If I am writing on the topic that I know well, I can write a 500 word article in few hours. However, if I do not know anything about the topic. it takes entire day to complete 500 word article.

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It takes me about an hour to write my articles, that if I'm not researching as well but if it needs me taking out time to research for the best and current information then 2 hours should be the minimum.

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You seem to be churning articles pretty quickly. I write in English as a second language and it takes time to create a perfect article. I cannot write an article under one or two hours. I always struggle with the language.

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I remember when I was writing articles for a blog, it takes me just an hour to finish one article. It is the final version that underwent reviews and edits and revisions. Very quick? It’s because I was writing from my heart. Dogs are my passion and writing about it is easy and natural. That’s how I discovered that I can write articles although more often than not my writing needed a thorough review and editing. But in other cases, it takes me a day or two to finish 1 article depending on the subject matter and also depending on the needed research.

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If you are writing on the topic you are passionate about or on the topic that you are well versed, you can produce articles pretty quickly. However, it takes time to produce articles on the topics you are not well
versed or do not have a passion for the topic. How much time it takes to complete an article depends on the topic as well as your creativity.

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