
Do you need to be a native speaker to be a good translator?

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Do you need to be a native speaker to be a good translator?

On several occasions, I've had to translate articles and even a blog template for personal use from another language. Knowing a little about the language and using a software translator helped make the job easier.

Though for more complicated jobs, I would hire someone who is native speaker in that language.


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There are many people who are fluent in multiple languages. Even if you are not a native speaker, such as from a country which speaks primarily that language, you can still enjoy language fluency by training.

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Let me relate this anecdote of my husband. He wanted to write a song for a particular province with the lyrics in their dialect. Using the dictionary is not good enough so he tried to find someone who could speak the dialect. After an hour of conversation with the province lass, my husband was able to write the lyrics of the songs, half in Filipino and half in their dialect. It proved to be a good song because it was chosen as finalist in one songwriting contest.

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