
How can I cancel a subscription order?

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How can I cancel a subscription order?

Can you tell me how to cancel a subscription order that I don't want anymore?


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On your control panel, click Buyer > Shopping > Subscriptions.

You will be taken to a 'Your Orders' page where you can manage your subscription orders.

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Just cancel before the order begins, otherwise you might have to pay for the new month, even if you don't want the service anymore.

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Just cancel before the order begins, otherwise you might have to pay for the new month, even if you don't want the service anymore.

This is the thing that bothers me about subscription orders is how they are there one day and gone the next. And, you might have counted on that order up until the last day before it happened again and then the person cancels on you. And, you can't really do anything about it, except try to replace that order.

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