
Query regarding WTB section

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Query regarding WTB section

hi, i have a query regarding WTB section, whenever some one opens a wtb, he get some bids, is there any system available to show if some bid is being finalized or no bid were approved, as i cant see any anouncemnet for winning bidders in wtb section.


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Bids in WTB sections is actually offers, it's not like auction Query regarding WTB section We don't know if or when they are assigned to some seller (bidder) and WTB offers can be removed only by original writers who submit them, but most of "want to buy" are not getting deleted after they are finalized :confused: which should be...

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nice one anwebservices, dont really know anything about this WTB section of a thing but with your response, i now have a good idea about this. well done. i have gained a lot from you.

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maybe you should suggest this feature in Suggestions section, it would be really nice to know

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