
What's the best way to discover 404 (page not found) errors on your site?

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What's the best way to discover 404 (page not found) errors on your site?

How can you ensure that your site doesn't have any 404 or page not found errors?


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You should be able to use Google Webmaster tools to find any broken links on your site or any pages that are sending a 404 error.

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Another idea, would be to simply create a page (or recreate if the original page was deleted) with that same url extension on your site, to capitalize on the spot in search engines. Theoretically, that page should still retain it's spot in search engines as it's already indexed.

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Another idea, would be to simply create a page (or recreate if the original page was deleted) with that same url extension on your site, to capitalize on the spot in search engines. Theoretically, that page should still retain it's spot in search engines as it's already indexed.

You would want to ping that page so Google knows there is new content and can come index the page again and reclassify it as something other than a 404 (page not found).

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Apart from Google webmaster tools you can also subscribe to a website monitoring services.

This will inform you as soon as they notice a 404 page. Apart from that you will also get many additional benefits like website downtime, broken links etc.

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You can get an error message from google webmaster tool if you have an account on it. When ever 404 error occur with any one page on your site you will get a message. And you can also resolve this error. And there are some more additional benefits of webmaster tool....

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Always keep webmaster tool.

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