
How to pay the fee to my seller?

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How to pay the fee to my seller?

I had hired a gig for an activity. Now that I want to pay her for my balance. Please help.


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When you are gong to buy or order any service after click on order mark you will see below message

You have three options:
* Pay using PayPal
* Pay using Payza (AlertPay)
* Pay using your account balance

Just select above one where your money is available? Then follow few simple instruction depend on payment gateway.


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When you buy any gig or service and you want to pay fees from your Seocheckout account balance then just choose the option Pay using your account balance.

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Go to the gig that your seller offers to you and pay through the order link. How to pay the fee to my seller? I guess that one is the one you are pertaining to.

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if you want pay money to sell then give order of seller .
***click on the order batten
***then click any one of three
***now your money is cut

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When you are gong to buy or order any service after click on order mark you will see below message

You have three options:
* Pay using PayPal
* Pay using Payza (AlertPay)
* Pay using your account balance

Just select above one where your money is available? Then follow few simple instruction depend on payment gateway.


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When You click On Icon "ORDER NOW"
You have three options:
* Pay using PayPal
* Pay using Payza (AlertPay)
* Pay using your account balance

Just select above one where your money is available? Then follow few simple instruction depend on payment gateway.

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