
Is it possible to revive a dead forum community?

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Is it possible to revive a dead forum community?

Is it ever possible to revive a forum community once it's gone inactive or just better to shut down the forum or reboot and start again?


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If your existing forum community has gone dead, you will want to get all new members, rather than trying to entice back the ones who have lost interest in the forum.

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Redefine your forum's purpose or theme. And, then plan a relaunch party for your party. This will help to reinvigorate your forum community and make it easier to get new members.

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Start promoting your forum heavily on other forums and sites. Let people know that you are having a grand reopening with prizes and are back in business. Explain why your forum went inactive and tell everyone what you are doing now to reenergize your forum again.

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You could have a contest to see who can recruit the most number of new members or make the most new discussions or posts. That might lead to spam but at least you would get some good content from it. And, you could always delete the spam.

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Is it ever possible to revive a forum community once it's gone inactive or just better to shut down the forum or reboot and start again?

You can! But should you? Do you really want to? Those are better questions to answer first before you try to revive a long dead forum.

After all, why did the forum die in the first place? If you really loved it so much you would have tried to keep it active in the first place.

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