
Global or local moderators?

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Global or local moderators?

Do you allow for global moderators, who have power over every subforum on your site? Or, do you only allow for local moderators, that is moderators who can moderate only one specific board at a time?

For instance a global moderator could moderate the entire forum while a local moderator would only be able to moderate just one board, such as the SEO section on an internet marketing forum.

Tell me which one is your preference.


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If you give the entire forum to a moderator you will place undue burden on them. Assigning moderators to specific subforums will ease the burden on your staff allowing the staff member to focus energy just on one part of the forum rather than having to police it all.

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I have never assigned local moderator to anyone on my forum staff. That sounds like a good idea though. I was aware of this option but just had not made use of it.

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