
Does your admin or mods get along with your forum members?

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Does your admin or mods get along with your forum members?

What if your admin or mod did not get along with your forum members? Would you hire someone else for the job?


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You might have to hire someone new if the people in your forum don't get along with your staff. Otherwise, they won't listen to the staff members.

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It's never a good thing when the admin or mods hate the forum members or go out of their way to be irritating to members. That will only run off the good members. You will want to know if your staff is acting like this when you are offline or they will destroy your community behind your back.

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I would think you might know ahead of time whether or not the admin or mod did not get along with people as to how they acted as a regular forum member. If you have a regular forum member who is abusive to members, they will be more so that way as a staff member as they have power.

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At one time, my then admin did not get along with at least two of my forum members and really took off after them and that resulted in his ban. There is zero reason for a staff member to be so openly hostile. That applies to forum members too.

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The forum is a community and the lifeblood of that digital community are the members. Just like the saying in business that the customer is always right, in a forum, the members are the priority and I would see the staff as just employees whether paid or unpaid. But in cases of disagreements, I have to evaluate on who is at fault before I make a decision of suspending or even banning. And it wouldn’t matter to me if it is the admin or mod that needed to be banished.

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