
What's the best way to make changes on an existing forum?

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What's the best way to make changes on an existing forum?

For instance, let's say you want to install a blog on your home page (of your forum). How do you go about such a big change? For instance, do you shut your forum down for a day or try to get the work done at night? Also, how do you prepare members for big changes that are coming?


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Put the forum on the homepage to draw the focus to your community. Then all the new discussions can easily be seen by anyone visiting from search engines or other sites.

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Put the forum on the homepage to draw the focus to your community. Then all the new discussions can easily be seen by anyone visiting from search engines or other sites.

I put my forum blog on a subdomain just to try it out. I haven't done much with the blog so far, as I'd rather all the content be going onto the forum rather than a blog.

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Just warn your forum members ahead of time that there will be downtime and you should have no problems during the upgrades.

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Make an announcement just before the event in the community news letter and when you take the site down, be sure the home page and all pages temporarily redirect to another site, such as your community blog where an announcement has been made and comments can be received.

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Send out notification of what is going on and then have it done in the shortest amount of time that it can be done in.

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Send out notification of what is going on and then have it done in the shortest amount of time that it can be done in.

Hopefully, nothing goes wrong and the upgrades or maintenance go smoothly as planned so the forum can get back to normal routine.

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I am not techie so I cannot say anything on the technical side. But what I understand is in properly informing the community of the upcoming changes especially when the forum has to be down for a period of time. As long as the members know of what will to happen then I don’t see any complications that will arise. And to make it more appealing, you can be mysterious with the changes or you can give a hint to arouse their interest

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