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Short lived forums

Once I was member of a very short lived forum that surrounded the upcoming release of the new Muppets movie. Actually, I think it was a few years ago. Soon after the release of the movie, the forum died. :/

Have you ever been a member of a short lived theme forum? What happened to the forum after the fury of the event died down?


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There are thousands of similar short lived forums that were started on a trend of fad and died out quickly. The worst kind of forums are based on a TV show that later gets canceled.

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In support of friends in the movie industry, I sometimes join short-lived forums directly related to a particular movie. Most of the topics are about the cast although I try to focus on the production side. The forum reaches a cresendo in the first week of showing of the movie and is expected to wane on the 4th week especially when the movie is out of the theaters already.

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