
What's your idea of spamming?

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What's your idea of spamming?

For instance, would you consider a one word post to be a spam? Or, do you only see blatant advertising as spam?


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Depends on the topic of the forum. If it were a game, then you can get by with one word. But most of the posts should be longer than that.

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Forum games are a fun diversion from regular forum talk. As you say, the typical discussion should be longer and more detailed.

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If someone puts up a fake signature line, that could be spam. And, I would delete it and warn the member not to do it again.

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To me, spamming has many faces. The most common is including a link in the post. Another is the mention of a particular product. There's also the indirect spamming of alluding to a certain blog or website. But to me, spamming is the repeated posting of such. So when a link is included in one post that is relevant then that is not spamming unless it is repeated. Same with other styles, promoting a product once is nothing if it adds substance to the post.

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