
How often do you check moderator logs?

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How often do you check moderator logs?

Do you check the moderator logs on a regular basis or do you simply assume they are doing their job?


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Regular basis. Just to make sure that things are ok and all.

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I think that you should do it often just to see what is all going on. It is for the sake of your site so it is not wasted time.

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You should at least do it every few weeks if you really trust them. Then you can also see what is really going on in your site.

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It should be on a regular basis since it is your site. If you are the owner you have a right to look and see what they are doing.

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It should be on a regular basis since it is your site. If you are the owner you have a right to look and see what they are doing.

On Xenforo forums, the admin/owner/mods can see discussions that have been deleted, so it's easy to know without checking a log.

But, with other software like SMF, you don't get to see which discussions/responses have been deleted unless you go to the private trash bin (which is accessible to the admin/owner). For those software, the moderator log is very useful too.

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