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Do you ask for donations?

Donations help support a forum, allowing the forum owner to concentrate less on the financial aspect of the forum and more on marketing and content creation. Do you ask for donations from members? In what ways do you promote the idea that members should donate?


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If you have a large enough community, you are likely to get a few donors. Though it's not likely to pay much. Though some of the largest forums offer subscriptions that are $45-$45 monthly. And, they have many subscribers for that price. But, also these sites deliver many perks for premium members that a starter forum could not.

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I have seen several forums with a donation box. It’s actually a board with a pinned topic for the donations. I wonder if there is a forum member who gives donation. Maybe if I am a friend of the admin or owner, I would readily donate money to help in the upkeep of the forum provided I like the forum. However, my take on that donation box is it’s working because they wouldn’t place that there if it has no use for them.

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