
How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio(

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How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio(

Changelog box is a simple text box which can be used to inform users about the new features and fixes which are made to the software.

Requirements :

To create a changelog box we need only one component:


1.Add Textbox from toolbox to the form, and it should be like this:

How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio(

2.Click to Textbox , then click to “Arrow” and check Multiline box, as is in photo below.

How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio(

3.Now we need to extend the textbox, to do that simply drag it with mouse , and it should look like this :

How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio(

4.Double click to the form , and paste the following code :

Dim address As String = Dim client As WebClient = New WebClient() Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(client.OpenRead(address)) TextBox1.Text = reader.ReadToEnd

This is the link address where txt file is uploaded

Replace it with your own url, you can use Dropbox or anything you want.

Make sure that must be a direct link , for ex :

5. Then double click again to the form , and add the following systems , as is in photo below.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net

How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio(

6.That’s it , now simply click “Start” to run the software .

You can integrate this project to your software.

Changelog box in Action…

How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio(

Happy Coding How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio(


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Interesting and with your tutorials everything seems to be easy How to create a changelog box in Visual Studio( I am looking forward to see more of these because i am planning to do some programming with visual studio in near future

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