
Creativity is Key: 10 Essential Tips for Content Writing

Creativity is Key: 10 Essential Tips for Content Writing

Did you know that up to 60 percent of people struggle to produce engaging content consistently? 

Even if you're a content writer, you can always encounter challenges coming up yet more quality content for your website. 

You've got to connect with your audience consistently. Keeping up your creativity under pressure isn't always easy. 

You're not on your own. We've got the essential tips on content writing which can make the difference to your success or failure.

Eager to know more? Check out the blog post below!

1. Polish Your SEO Strategy

If you don't already have an SEO strategy, you need to get one immediately.

SEO plays an important role in whether you rise to the top of Google. Or, if you flounder at the bottom of the results pages. 

You can have the best content in the world. But, unless you can reach your target audience, it's going to be lost in the abyss of the internet. 

Do your homework on how to optimize your SEO. You may need to hire an SEO professional to polish your strategy. 

You've got to consider everything. SEO is more than simply keyword stuffing.

2. Work on Your Branding

You need a personal brand. 

Put together a brief document which outlines your brand. What's the style or tone of your writing? Who's your audience?

You should make sure that your readers recognize you immediately when they start to read your writing.

3. Add the Human Touch

You can also become too focused on appealing to Google's algorithm. That's the job of SEO experts.

However, this shouldn't ever compromise your appeal to your reader. Humanized language is how you to connect with them emotionally.

Sure, you've got to come across as professional for your content writing some of the time.

You probably imagine that people want to read blogs by experts. They do, of course.

However, you'd be surprised how much the human touch counts as well.

Up to 70 percent of people say that a "person like yourself" is more trustworthy than the company's CEO.

Always remember who your audience is. You should write differently according to who you're addressing in your content.

4. Do Your Homework

Opinion pieces are great. But, they've got to be based on facts. 

People may be losing their faith in statistics. You've probably heard the one about how 73.6% of statistics are made up!

But, you've got to demonstrate to your audience that you have the knowledge and expertise to back up your statements. 

5. Always Include a Call to Action

You need to clarify the purpose of your content at the end. This should always come with a call to action (CTA).

You may have spotted a problem or raised an issue. Make sure your readers leave with a clear way to proceed.

This can be anything as simple as "leave a comment below" or "ReTweet this." 

This should provide the reader with a simple means of engagement with your content. 

6. Keep Your Content Fresh

If you're going to build up your audience of loyal readers, you've got to keep your content fresh. Give people a reason to keep coming back.

If an important event in your niche emerges one week, you should be addressing this in your content.

Don't leave it a few weeks before you get around to bring up the talk of the day.

7. Maintain Consistency 

Your readers want to know when you're going to post your content. 

Whether you decide to update your blog every day or every week, the most important thing is to be reliable.

You should never stay silent! Your readers will want to know where you've gone. 

This is about building up trust with your audience. This can take years to establish. But, it only requires a moment to destroy.

8. Be an Authentic Voice

Up to 86 percent of people say that authenticity is important when it comes to your brand's content.

This is especially important to millennials. You should be able to relate to your audience emotionally. 

Nobody wants to read content from somebody who is an ivory tower. Come down from there and mix with your audience.

That means don't always use jargon and technical language. If there's a simpler word, use it!

It's easy to express something complicated in a complicated manner. Your content needs to communicate complex stuff a simple way people can grasp.

9. Diversify Your Content

You need to reach out beyond your niche audience. Diverse content has the power to appeal to a wider audience. 

Don't stray too far from your expertise. This can cause you to lose your relevance among your audience.

You can even recycle your old content in new and exciting ways. You could transform a blog post into an infographic. 

Include a variety of articles, such as "how-to" posts or discussion topics.

10. Hook the Reader

When someone clicks on your blog post, they only spend on average 15 seconds reading your post.

Unless your content is only a short Tweet, that's not enough time to read the whole thing.

Skim reading is unavoidable.

However, you can hook the reader with an opener which keeps them wanting more. 

The best hooks grip the audience. This could be with a fascinating statistic or a funny observation.

Content Writing Tips

Now you know our content writing tips to improve your content.

You don't need to be the next Shakespeare to produce excellent content. You just need to understand how to connect with your audience. 

Follow our tips to produce better content. If you want to learn more about how you can up your writing game, check out our blog here

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