
Enhance Your Website with Expert On-Page and Technical SEO Services for $135

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Enhance Your Website with Expert On-Page and Technical SEO Services

Did you know on-page SEO helps search engines analyze your website? Google constantly updates its algorithm, so your website should evolve too!

Thanks for visiting my gig! I offer top-notch on-page and technical SEO services for WordPress using the Yoast SEO ,Rankmath plugin. Let me help you boost your website's organic traffic.

Onpage SEO optimization

  1. Keywords Research
  2. Website Audit
  3. Best KWs Research for your Niche
  4. Title Optimization
  5. Meta Description Tags Optimization
  6. H1, H2 and H3 tag setup
  7. Image optimization and alt tag
  8. Keyword density fixing
  9. erorr fixing
  10. premium Yoast setting
Technical website SEO Optimization

  1. XML Sitemap
  2. Robots.txt
  3. Internal/ External Linking
  4. Google search console-setup
  5. Google Analytics Setup
  6. Indexing URL
  7. htaccess
  8. Complete Audit & Reporting
  9. Yoast Seo
  10. Rank Math Setup
Why Choose Me?

Ranked 500+ sites on Google!

After-sale service & maintenance

24*7 available

Contact me for more details. Order Now!


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$135 - In stock