
Complete On Page Optimization and Technical SEO for $15

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Complete On Page Optimization and Technical SEO

Hello there!

Good On-Page SEO Optimization can help a website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and ultimately drive more traffic and conversions.

To rank your website higher in SERP, you also need to invest in technical SEO. If you are looking to improve your ranking, start by optimizing your site's content and structures for better search visibility.

??? Looking to improve your site's ranking in search engines?

My On-Page Optimization and Technical SEO Service can help! I'll optimize your website to make it more search engine friendly, improving your chances of appearing higher in search results.

Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you get the most out of your site!

On-Page Optimization:

  1. Optimizing Title, Meta Tag, URL, the Header tag, etc
  2. Image Optimization with Alt Text
  3. Proper Usage of Internal & External linking
  4. Content Gap Analysis
  5. Keywords Optimization
✅ Technical Audit:

  1. Setting up Google Search Console & Analytics
  2. XML Sitemap & Robots.txt Optimization
  3. SSL Certificate (HTTPS) Setup
  4. Schema Markup
  5. Fixing Broken links & Redirects
  6. Improve Page Speed
Note: 5 Pages will be optimized

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is On-Page SEO❓
✅ On-page SEO is optimizing your website for Google’s search algorithm. This includes choosing the right keywords, optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly, and many other things.
Why do I need this On-Page SEO service❓
✅ Many factors contribute to a website's success, and On-Page SEO is one of the most important. Optimizing your website for search engines can increase your visibility and draw more visitors to your site. In addition, it can help you rank higher in search results.

Am I doing SEO for websites built on other platforms❓
✅ I do SEO for platforms like WordPress, Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace.

What are Yoast SEO & Rank Math SEO
✅ Yoast and Rank Math are plugins. You can optimize your website’s on-page issues using one of these.

Can I rank on top of Google with just On Page SEO
✅ On-Page SEO is important, but it's not the only factor determining your ranking on Google. You also need to consider off-page SEO factors. I recommend that you focus only on guest posts. Don’t try those cheap web2, profile, directory, or article submission sites.

How to measure the outcome of this service
✅ I recommend you set up Google Analytics and Search Console. These free tools can compare your website's before and after conditions. If you can’t set it up, don’t worry. I will set it up and then optimize your website. In my report, I will provide you with a comparison of before and after work.

Do I work with another language besides English
✅ Unfortunately, I work only for English-based websites.

After my SEO audit, will I upload the changes on your website
✅ You need to give me access to your dashboard. Then I can upload the changes. It won’t charge you any extra.

Best Regards
Asif Ahmed


seo wordpress seo on page seo technical seo optimization


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$15 - In stock