
50 Mixed Pyramid Backlinks To Boost Your Google Ranking for $30

97.5% (40)

50 Mixed Pyramid Backlinks To Boost Your Google Ranking

Are you looking for a way to improve your website's ranking on Google and get more organic traffic? If so, you need high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites that Google trusts.

Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site. They are one of the most important factors that Google uses to determine the relevance and authority of your site. The more backlinks you have, the higher your site will rank.

That's why I offer you a unique service: 50 mixed pyramid backlinks to boost your Google ranking. These backlinks are coming from the following websites:

  • Medium
  • Linkedin
  • Quora
  • Tumblr
  • Notion
  • Web 2.0
  • Social Share

These are some of the most popular and trusted sites on the internet, with high domain authority and traffic. By getting backlinks from these sites, you will increase your site's credibility and visibility on Google.

I will also create a pyramid structure for your backlinks, meaning that I will link the backlinks to each other, creating a network of links that will amplify the effect of each backlink. This is a proven technique that will boost your site's ranking even more.

What you will get from me:
  • SEO optimized Articles with backlinks
  • Mixed pyramid backlinks from different platform
  • High-quality and plagiarism-free content
  • Keyword research and optimization
  • Manual and white-hat link building, no spam or bots
  • Detailed report with all the backlinks

If you want to take your website to the next level and outrank your competitors on Google, order this service now and get 50 mixed pyramid backlinks to boost your Google ranking.

If you have any questions or special requests, please feel free to contact me before placing your order. I look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your SEO goals.

Q: What are backlinks and why are they important for SEO?
A: Backlinks are links from other websites that point to your site and pass link juice and authority to your site. They are important for SEO because they show Google that your site is trustworthy, credible, and popular in your niche.

Q: What are the benefits of getting backlinks from Medium, Linkedin, Quora, Tumblr, Notion, Web 2.0, and Social Share?

A: These are some of the most popular and trusted sites on the internet, with high domain authority and traffic. By getting backlinks from these sites, you will increase your site's credibility and visibility on Google and other search engines. You will also get exposure to a large and relevant audience that may visit your site and become your customers.

Q: What is a pyramid structure for backlinks and how does it work?
A: A pyramid structure for backlinks is a technique of linking the backlinks to each other, creating a network of links that will amplify the effect of each backlink. For example, if you have a backlink from Medium, I will create another backlink from an article directory that points to the Medium backlink, and then another backlink from a LinkedIn site that points to the article directory backlink. This way, you will get a three-tiered pyramid of backlinks that will boost your site's ranking even more.

Q: How many words will you write for each article with backlinks?
A: I will write 600 words for each article with backlinks. The articles will be high-quality and plagiarism-free, with relevant keywords and topics for your niche. The articles will also have a catchy title and a call to action to encourage the readers to visit your site.

Q: How do you ensure that your link building is manual and white-hat, and not spam or bots?
A: I ensure that my link building is manual and white-hat, and not spam or bots, by following the best practices and guidelines of Google and other search engines. I do not use any software, automation, or black-hat techniques that may harm your site or get you penalized. I only create backlinks from high-quality and relevant sites that are related to your niche and have a good reputation.

Q: How can I track the progress and results of your link-building service?
A: You can track the progress and results of my link-building service by using the report that I will provide you with. The report will include the URLs, anchor texts, and metrics of all the backlinks that I have created for you.

What's included

Title OptimizationH1, h2, h3 TagsPersonalized SEOProgress Reports


Dofollow Pyramid Backlinks Google Ranking medium linkedin quora tumblr notion substack web20


0 reviews

Rating breakdown

100 Mixed Pyramid Backlinks 10 days $60
200 Mixed Pyramid Backlinks 15 days $120
400 Mixed Pyramid Backlinks 20 days $270

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